Windows Sites Summary

Active Directory uses forests, trees, and domains to represent the logical organization of the network. Sites and subnets represent the physical layout of the network:

  • A site represents a group of well-connected networks (networks that are connected with high-speed links).
  • A subnet represents a physical network segment. Each subnet possesses its own unique network address space.

You should know the following about sites and subnets:

  • Sites should be set up to mirror the physical layout of the company.
  • Sites direct clients to local resources.
  • Sites are used to manage Active Directory updates, referred to as replication, between locations.
    • All Active Directory sites contain servers and site links.
    • Site links specify how the sites are physically connected.
    • Sites allow for the efficient resource use during replication.
  • You will use Active Directory Sites and Services to identify network IDs and their associated sites.
  • Site assignment is made dynamically, according to Internet Protocol (IP) address and subnet mask.
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